As many of you know, one of my biggest passions in life is cooking!
I can’t quite remember when my love for cooking started, but I’ll tell you this.... it goes waaaaay back.
Every time we went on a family trip, I used to buy cake pans and cook books
( i mean... what kind of a child was I?!). I can still remember my Mom being mad at me because they didn’t fit inside my suitcase and they weighed like 100kg. But still I kept doing it every time.
It was so obvious that when the day to choose a career arrived, I would say “Chef".
And so time passed and I continued cooking, baking, buying cake pans and cook books (yes, by the time I was 14 I had all the kitchen stuff you can imagine). I loved baking birthday cakes for my family and friends and I felt so proud of myself by doing it.
Finally, the day arrived when I had to choose what path I was taking and the truth was: I wasn’t sure.
Yes, I loved to cook and I was good at it, but, did I really have what it takes? Was I was willing to commit my entire life to food?
By that time I had already searched and researched all of the Cooking schools you can imagine. I decided to send my application to Ferrandi Paris because they had a one year Intensive Professional Program in Cuisine and Pastry. And guess what?! About 2 months later I received my acceptance letter!. And it really felt like I had just won the lottery!
Long story short, I moved to Paris for a year to see If I really had what it takes.
I met some really amazing people from all over the world from whom I learned a lot about life and of course food.
I successfully passed all my Cuisine exams and after that I had the opportunity to work at “La Grande Cascade” (which has 1 étoile MICHELIN).
Once I worked there I met an amazing woman who I really look up to who besides from being an amazing chef is a really cool and amazing human being . Her name is Beatriz González,she is from Cozumel and studied her cooking career in Lyon. In conclusion she now owns 3 of the best restaurants in Paris!(Neva Cuisine, Coretta and Le Rive Droite).
I studied cuisine intensively that year, but when I came back to Mexico I decided to do something else. Not because I didn’t love to cook but because I felt like I had to learn some other things.
In 2013 my dad was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer and one of his doctors told him that he had to change his lifestyle and have a plant based diet. A plant based what?! Yes, no meat, no dairy.
So I started to bake and cook things for him that didn’t contain any animal origin products to help improve his health. So that’s when I got really interested in having a healthy lifestyle (who isn’t these days right?) and later, people started to relate me with healthy vegan deserts, and that’s how “Goji vegan” was born.
A few years passed, I got married, finished my career, had my babies and not a day passes when I don’t think about how happy and blessed I feel to have lived all that I lived because it has all made me the person I am today.
During both of my pregnancies I used to cook some days till 3 a.m because I just couldn’t sleep. I do it when I’m nervous, when I’m stressed, when I need to clear my head. It is simply a part of me, like a need. I don’t know why but somehow life always brings me back to... The kitchen.
By Natalia Medrano.